Wonderland Boudoir | Los Angeles Boudoir Photography

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Happiness is a Habit

We all go through it.  No one is immune to problems.  This life is hard.  Let’s just accept that.  No one escapes that aspect. No two people will ever have the same experience in this life.  Everyone’s paths are designed differently because everyone is on a different growing trail.  However, we can’t let the situations in this life bring us to a place where we aren’t happy.

I have gone through some really tough times.  It’s not what you’re going through that determines your happiness… it’s how you handle it.  The way you handle even the worst of it really describes who you are as person.  Whenever something happens that I feel derails me from my game plan I never look at it as a roadblock.  I see it as a blessing. 

What life has taught me so far is that not every “bad thing” that happens is really “bad.”  I have found that when things don’t go “my way” that means something better is on the horizon.  That blessing I didn’t receive… or job I didn’t get… or whatever that I wanted but could not acquire… it wasn’t designed for me.  It was meant for the person who got it.  They got it because they needed it, not me.  This philosophy wasn’t taught to me by any given person.  I learnt it though my life experiences. 

In Steve Jobs’s infamous commencement speech to the class of 2005 at Stanford University he stated, "Again, you can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future.”

While I have always known this Steve Jobs stated it so simply an eloquently.  Sometimes what you are going through, no matter how hard you try to plan and make right, may go in a different direction than what you had intended.  Don’t let things not going the way you planned it in your head derail you for your goal.  I mean, you wouldn’t throw away a winning lottery ticket if the numbers weren’t in order, right?  Sometimes what you THINK you need is the last thing you WANT.  Just let go of fear, ego, and control.  These mindsets keep happiness at bay.

When you let go of fear, ego, and control happiness will ultimately come.  This happens because things always work out in the way they need to… not the way you want them to.  It may take longer… but remember it’s not about the destination, it’s about the journey… and while on that journey don’t take anything for granted because the lesson that you need to learn is on that path.  You just don’t see it now because the dots aren’t clear.  Trust in yourself and in the path.  Never get upset because things didn’t go the way you had anticipated it.  There may actually be a better thing coming up that you would have missed going on the path you wanted.

 Remember to make happiness a habit. When you do that you will see how quickly life changes for the better. 

Genuine happiness attracts good things. 




Let me know in the comments below what habits you have that keep you happy?

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