Facebook Likes

Thank You! The First 200 LIKES is Always the Hardest!


Over 200 likes within the first 30 days?!  I couldn’t have dreamt of a better response when introducing Wonderland Boudoir to the world!  I would like to say THANK YOU to everyone who took the time out to like the new page and support this brand new photography journey. 

I am very humbled and just want to get better with each touch of my shutter release button.  I can’t wait for both you and I to see the progression in my work and where this leads us all. 

Most of all I want to inspire women to know that they are beautiful.  Not just believe, but to know. We can’t let society or the media dictate what is beautiful and what is not.  We can’t fall into the trap that this cream, or that wrap, or that surgery is going to make you any more beautiful.  If you don’t see the beauty within yourself you will NEVER except what you look like on the outside.  You have to know you self-beauty and self-worth. 

I want to show the world what YOUR definition of beauty is through photos.  Chances are your pictures may inspire another young woman to know that she is beautiful in exactly the way she was created.

Again, thank you so much for taking the time to LIKE my page, visit the site, and browse the blog!

Here’s to 500 likes!