How to be Beautiful? Confidence is Key

Confidence is Key, Wonderland Boudoir of Dallas, How to Be Beautiful, #Boudoir

What is the definition of beauty? believes that beauty is the quality present in a thing or person that gives great pleasure or deep satisfaction in the mind.

About Yareli

Beauty has no size, Curvy Girls, Wonderland Boudoir of D allas

Late 2014 I hosted a boudoir session with a beautiful young woman named Yareli (doesn't she have the PRETTIEST name?!).  Yareli has striking eyes, a gorgeous personality, and a confidence to spare.  Her radiance was glowing at a level 10 and she couldn’t have been more excited for her boudoir session.    Our session was great!  She just jumped in an owned it.  She knew what she wanted, how she wanted it, and yet was still open to suggestion and thoughts.  

Do Boudoir for Yourself

Beauty has no size, Curvy Girls, Wonderland Boudoir of D allas

When asked why she wanted to have a boudoir session she let me know she did it for herself.  Yareli is a beautiful full framed woman.  As a curvier woman she rejects the status quo of society’s standard of beauty.  She knows she is beautiful. She owned every single curve, every single “flaw”.   These “flaws” were actually the thing that made her so youthful and vibrant.   Due to her confidence and shape she has had no trouble finding a man that appreciates every single ounce of her. 

Yareli explained to me that she had to learn how to be more confident with her fuller size because no one was going to do that for her.  Let me tell you, her confidence shined through her photos and the last thing I notice was “the weight.”

The Problem with Defining Beauty by a Waist Size

Many young women these days see magazine covers of these “naturally perfect women”, videos girls, or female celebrities and believe, “this is what I need to do/look like to be successful in this world”.  What these women fail to realize is that most of what we see on social media, movies, and magazine covers are smoke and mirrors.  Abuse of Photoshop in the media is an unachievable illusion designed to separate people from their money in order to make them feel like this is what they need to do to achieve love and success. 

Beauty has no size, Curvy Girls, Wonderland Boudoir of D allas

If you are a size 16 and you feel absolutely gorgeous at a size 16 don’t let Glamour Magazine's photo shopping team tell you that’s not beautiful.  As stated in the Redefine Beauty post we don’t need to validate our sex appeal by people who aren’t us. 

Interested in a Boudoir Session?

If you’re interested in a boudoir session with our talented team at Wonderland Boudoir please check out our investment page with all the different productions we can provide!  Once your done contact us to get more information or schedule a session!

Want to See More of Yareli?!

Make sure you LIKE and FOLLOW us on Facebook to see more photos from Yareli's Gallery!




Happy First Day of Spring Y’all!

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Wonderland Boudoir

Dallas Boudoir Studio, Wonderland Boudoir, is the premium boudoir studio that helps empowerment woman through beautiful and sultry boudoir photos that will last a lifetime.