4 Awesome Ways to Present Your Boudoir Photos as a Gift

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You finally got your boudoir photos back.  You have the album you purchased, the digital photos in hand, and maybe even a frame, but how do you present these beautiful gifts to your husband?  Today we have four unique ways on how to give your sexy boudoir gifts to your significant other. 

Presenting Boudoir as a Wedding Gift

I shot my sorority sister's boudoir photos as a wedding gift to her and her husband. She gave her photos to her, then fiancé at the time, in the best manner ever.   They decided that six months before thire wedding they were going to be abstinent.  On the wedding night she would give herself to him.   She said the six months was a real struggle, but they had made it.

 Well,  the week of their wedding each day she decided she would send him a boudoir photo every day to his phone until the big day.  He was so happy to get each one of those photos that he couldn’t wait to leave the reception to claim is bride!   Trust me.  I got the biggest thank you ever from both parties.  

Boudoir as a Valentine’s Day Present

Set up a scavenger hunt for your man.  Use your boudoir photos as they cards where the message can be found.   With each clue make sure each  picture becomes more and more sexy.  Have the scavenger hunt end in the bedroom where he finds you with an album and wearing the lingerie that was featured in all the photos. 

Boudoir Photos as a Birthday Present

Many people these day have huge screen TVs.  Have a slide show playing for him when he comes home that features all your beautiful photos from your boudoir session.  Don’t be in the room when he comes in.  After the slide show is complete slowly walk into the room with a small birthday cake and perhaps one of your favorite photos framed that he can keep in his room.

A Boudoir Present Just because the Day Ends in "Y"

You don’t need a reason to have a boudoir session.  Do it because you want to not because something special is about to happen.  Live life to the fullest.   Therefore give your man an unexpected surprise just because he makes you happy.

I know this is modern times and most men don’t carry around briefcases anymore, but most do carry around backpacks or messenger bags to hold their laptops for travel. I suggest buying an album and slipping it into his backpack the night before.  When he opens his bag the next day he will get the surprise of his life. 

Just make sure you know what he plans are for that day.  You don’t want him to head into a very important meeting with the CEO, CFO, or COO and your boudoir book falls open in front of everyone.  Please take his day plans into consideration to avoid any embarrassment. 

I hope that these 4 ideas help inspire you on creative ways to present your boudoir session.  No matter how you do it he will appreciate the time and effort  you put into making something special for him. 

In the comments below please let me know of any other creative ways to present your boudoir photos to your beau. 


4 Awesome Ways to Present Your Boudoir Photos as Gifts. Giving your Boudoir Photos as a present can be weird. Here we give you 4 ways to make it fun for both parties!

Wonderland Boudoir

Dallas Boudoir Studio, Wonderland Boudoir, is the premium boudoir studio that helps empowerment woman through beautiful and sultry boudoir photos that will last a lifetime.